Tuesday, August 5, 2008

BeeVee 2.1.1d3 is uploaded

Yes, I'm back!

Now, I can touch the codes from my Ubuntu :)

Pls check... Download and test the program.... here!


* Development
- add not found message in findbar mode
- add MessageBeep
--> bv2find.c
- add import bom/attribute file
--> bomattr.c
- via coloring
--> bv2draw.c, bv2option.c
- fix click double-components bug
- add void DrawClearSlection()
- add 1:1 icon
- add clear selection by right-click
--> bv2draw.c
- add move board origin lower left to 0,0
- add move board origin by external refrence
- add offset board
- add option update
--> bv2.c
- add compare placement
--> bv2.c, cmpdevs.c
- manip XY in info
- fix flip trace (objecttrace_cermin) of ARC object
--> sboard.c
- add XY in info of data from plx/pls file
--> agsj50file.c
- fix mygeneral file reading bug when 'tb' is more than 7 chars
--> generalxy.c (r03.20070906.0)
- Fix open-recent sequence. Continued
- Fix startup drawing.
-- BV2.c
-- new function: DoCloseFilePlease()
- Fix OpenRecents resizing
-- bv2recents.c